This is not a story based on drama and conflict, but loaded with a deep understanding of the human and beyond and hints at transformative choices in life.
This second book in the series brings more pieces to the puzzle, to connect already-placed pieces scattered on the table-top we call ‘the human experience’.When the Christ Consciousness around 630BC, . In parallel, a human group got together on Earth and to identify individuals in the Crimson Circle. Over the years, the collective consciousness of this group has become an entity of its own and may as a crimson dragon named Shaumbra!Luzi works with two students to discover true historical events and meet this crimson dragon. It turns out that Shaumbra has quite a personality and, together with the white dragon, Loong, the Elven woman, , Quan Yen, Gaya, Merlin, Nikola Tesla, Saint Germain and others, they gain information from the past and future. What they find , but it fits with hidden and not-so-hidden knowledge dismissed by established society. Luzi’s unborn daughter brings light into everyone’s hearts and plays a major role in balancing a broken family. All end up having a different view on life.Even though the book is part of a series, this is a complete story in its own right.
Another time, another place
Luzi Cane
Meeting the Merlin
My birthday
Having kids
Meeting in
What happened in MY past lives?
Past and future lives
What IS past and future?
The Crimson Dragon
Meeting our daughter-to-be
Ancient America
The earliest writing
Noah’s Ark
Moses and Abraham
Some early scripts
A Chinese wedding
Ju-long, about his dad
Ting and Cheng
Ju-long’s father
Meeting Kong again
The bracelet
Kong’s dream
The fishing trip
Kong’s future
Nikola Tesla
Brain versus consciousness
A free mind
Personal energy
From energy to solid matter
AI vs. limitless energy
Energy and life
Time is energy