Troubled by an inability to find any meaning in his life, the 25-year-old narrator of this deceptively simple novel quits university and eventually arrives at his brother’s New York apartment.
In a bid to discover what life is all about, he writes lists. He becomes obsessed by time and whether it actually matters. He faxes his meteorologist friend. He endlessly bounces a ball against the wall. He befriends a small boy who lives next door.
He yearns to get to the bottom of life and how best to live it.
Funny, friendly, enigmatic and frequently poignant – superbly naive.
Erlend Loe, born in Trondheim (Norway) in 1969, has appeared on the stage and worked in film and video production. He has been a critic for the
Worker’s Newspaper, worked in a psychiatric hospital and been a substitute teacher.
Naïve.Super. is his first adult book although he has written six books for children.