A Textbook of Modern Toxicology is a unique resource that
provides both students and practitioners with a wide-ranging,
accessible overview of the discipline. Suitable for courses in
environmental, pharmacological, medical, and veterinary toxicology,
this essential text features chapters written by experts who
address a range of key topics.
The Fourth Edition includes additional chapters on new
approaches to toxicology – molecular methods (-omics:
toxicogenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics), bioinformatics, and
systems biology – and continues the legacy of its
predecessors to provide up-to-date insights into acute toxicity and
chemical carcinogenesis, organ toxicity, in vitro and in vivo
toxicity testing, ecological risk assessment, and many other areas
of toxicology that help foster a solid comprehension of the
Also featured in the Fourth Edition are end-of-chapter questions
and a Solutions Manual available separately for academic
ERNEST HODGSON, Ph D, is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Toxicology at North Carolina State University. In addition to the previous editions of A Textbook of Modern Toxicology, he coedited Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology, Fourth Edition (Wiley) and its prior editions. Dr. Hodgson is the Editor of the Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology.