The Seventh International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2005) took ? place in S ¸ile Campus of Is ¸?k University, Istanbul, Turkey, between the dates 5- 9 September 2005. First ICOVP was held during October 27-30, 1990 at A. C. College, Jalpaiguri under the co-Chairmanship of two scientists, namely, Prof- sor M. M. Banerjee from the host Institution and Professor P. Biswas from the sister organization, A. C. College of Commerce, in the name of “International Conference on Vibration Problems of Mathematics and Physics”. The title of the Conference was changed to the present one during the third conference. The Conferences of these series are: 1. ICOVP-1990, 20-23 October-1990, A. C. College, Jalpaiguri- India 2. ICOVP-1993, 4-7 November 1993, A. C. College, Jalpaiguri- India 3. ICOVP-1996, 27-29 November 1996, University of North Bengal, India 4. ICOVP-1999, 27-30 November 1999, Jadavpur University, West Bangal, India 5. ICOVP-2001, 8-10 October 2001, (IMASH), Moscow, Russia 6. ICOVP-2003, 8-12 September 2003, Tech. Univ. of Liberec, Czech Republic ? 7. ICOVP-2005, 5-9 September 2005, Is ¸?k University, S ¸ile, Istanbul, Turkey The General Lecturers of ICOVP-2005 have been personally invited by the Int- national Scienti?c Committee, which this time comprised the following members: ¨ ? Nuri AKKAS ¸ (Turkey), Yalc?n ¸ AKOZ (Turkey), Orhan AKSOGAN (Turkey), Fikret BALTA (Turkey), M. M. BANERJEE (India), Victor BIRMAN (USA), ? Paritosh BISWAS (India), Bikas K.
The following broad fields are covered in the contributions:
1. Mathematical models of vibration problems in continuum mechanics. 2. Vibration problems in non-classical continuum models and wave mechanics. 3. Vibrations due to solid / liquid phase interaction. 4. Vibration problems in structural dynamics, damage mechanics and composite materials. 5. Analysis of the linear / non-linear and deterministic / stochastic vibrations phenomena. 6. Vibrations of transport systems. 7. Computational methods in vibration problems and wave mechanics. 8. Vibration problems in earthquake engineering. 9. Vibration of granular materials. 10. Active vibration control and vibration control in space structure. 11. Vibration problems associated with nuclear power reactors.
Other topics concerned with vibration problems, in general, were open as well, but it was understood that the bulk of presentations were within the above fields.
Author/contributor Index
Author/contributor address list