Quantum Entanglement has rapidly become a subject of great interest in academia, industry, and government research institutions. This book builds on the first edition of Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement to provide a transparent and more insightful introduction for graduate students, scientists, and engineers. It is also a highly useful education tool for those practitioners that were not aware of the physical origin of quantum entanglement: the Dirac-Wheeler-Pryce-Ward physics. The new edition includes an expansion on topics such as quantum entropy and quantum time. The book provides a direct, practical, and transparent introduction to the principles and physics of quantum entanglement. It does so whilst utilizing an interferometric approach based on Dirac-Feynman superposition probability amplitudes.
Key Features:
- Provides an overview of quantum entanglement at a basic level
- Explains the philosophical origin of quantum entanglement as well as the physical origin
- Presents the key equation for the probability amplitude for QE from three perspectives while emphasizing its interferometric derivation
- Includes applications on Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Computing
- Reviews the current technology of QE with an emphasis in space-to-space communications
1. Introduction 2. Dirac’s physics
3. The Einstein-Podosky-Rosen (EPR) paper 4. The Schrödinger papers 5. Wheeler’s paper 6. The probability amplitude for quantum entanglement 7. The quantum entanglement experiment 8. The annihilation quantum entanglement experiments 9. The Bohm and Aharonov paper 10. Bell’s theorem 11. Feynman’s Hamiltonians 12. The second Wu quantum entanglement experiment 13. The hidden variable theory experiments 14. The optical quantum entanglement experiments 15. The quantum entanglement probability amplitude 1947-1992 16. The GHZ probability amplitudes 17. The interferometric derivation of the quantum entanglement probability amplitude for n = N = 2 18. The interferometric derivation of the quantum entanglement probability amplitude for n = N = 21 22 , 23 , 2 4… 2r 19. The interferometric derivation of the quantum entanglement probability amplitudes for n = N = 3, 6 20. Quantum entanglement at n = 1 and N = 2
21. Quantum entanglement probability amplitudes applied to Bell’s theorem 22. Quantum entanglement via matrix notation
23. Cryptography via quantum entanglement 24. Quantum entanglement and teleportation
25. Quantum entanglement and quantum computing 26. Space-to-space and space-to-Earth communications via quantum entanglement 27. Space-to-space quantum interferometric communications 28. Quanta pair sources for quantum entanglement experiments 29. Quantum interferometric principles 30. On the interpretation of quantum mechanics Appendices A. Revisiting the Pryce-Ward probability amplitude for quantum entanglement
B. Classical and quantum interference C. Interferometers and their probability amplitudes D. Polarization rotators for quantum entanglement
E. Vectors, vector products, matrices, and tensors for quantum entanglement
F. Trigonometric identities G. More on quantum notation H. From quantum principles to classical optics I. Introduction to complex conjugates and Hamilton’s quaternions J. Some open ended quantum questions
F J Duarte is a laser and quantum physicist based in the USA since the 1980s. He has extensive experience in the academic, industrial and defense sectors. He is an editor/author of 15 laser and quantum optics books and sole author of three books (Tunable Laser Optics, Quantum Optics for Engineers, and Fundamentals of Quantum Entanglement). He has made key original contributions to the fields of narrow-linewidth tunable laser oscillators, nanoparticle solid-state laser materials, coherent emission from electrically-pumped organic semiconductors, and laser interferometry. He is also the author of the multiple-prism grating dispersion theory applicable to tunable lasers, laser pulse compression, and coherent microscopy. His contributions have been applied to numerous scientific fields from astronomy to nanophotonics. In 1987 he was elected Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics, and in 1993 he was elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America. Dr Duarte has been awarded the Engineering Excellence Award and the David Richardson Medal from the Optical Society (Optica).