作者: Faith Boninger

Alex Molnar is a Research Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he serves as Publications Director of the National Education Policy Center (NEPC) and Director of the Commercialism in Education Research Unit (CERU). His work has examined curriculum and instruction topics, market-based education reforms, and policy formation. In addition to numerous articles, his earlier books on commercialism in schools are Giving Kids the Business: The Commercialization of America’s Schools (2001) and Commercialism in education: From democratic ideal to market commodity (2005). Faith Boninger is a Research Associate at the University of Colorado Boulder, in the university’s National Education Policy Center (NEPC) and Commercialism in Education Research Unit (CERU). Her work focuses on commercialism in schools, to which she brings a background in social psychology (Ph.D., Ohio State University), particularly an interest in persuasion and communication processes.

1 电子书 Faith Boninger

Faith Boninger & Alex Molnar: Sold Out
If you strip away the rosy language of ‘;school-business partnership, ‘ ‘;win-win situation, ‘ ‘;giving back to the community, ‘ and the like, what you see when you look at corporate marketing …