In a quaint village nestled among green hills, there lived a shepherd boy tasked with the daily care of the village’s sheep. Bored by the monotony of his duties and seeking amusement, he devised a plan to stir excitement. He falsely cried wolf, tricking the villagers into rushing to his aid on two separate occasions. Each time, they found him laughing at their concern, which angered them greatly. Months passed, and one day a real wolf threatened the flock. In desperation, the boy cried out for help once more, but this time his pleas were ignored. The villagers believed …
语言 英语 ● 格式 EPUB ● 网页 62 ● ISBN 9798330211555 ● 文件大小 6.6 MB ● 出版者 DD USA ● 发布时间 2024 ● 版 1 ● 下载 24 个月 ● 货币 EUR ● ID 9473625 ● 复制保护 Adobe DRM