In film studies, Iranian films are kept at a distance, as ‘other, ‘ different, and exotic. In reponse, this book takes these films as philosophically relevant and innovative. Each chapter of this book is devoted to analyzing a single film, and each chapter focuses on one philosopher and one particular aesthetic question.
How Orphans Believe: Deleuze, National Cinema, and Majidi’s The Color of Paradise ‘What are filmmakers for in needy times?’ On Heidegger and Kiarostami’s Taste of Cherry Committed Perception: Merleau-Ponty and Children of Heaven Regarding You: Lacanian Gaze and Ethics in Kiarostami’s Close-up Stolen Jouissance: Lacan, Feminism, and Meshkini’s The Day I Became a Woman Deafening Silence: Bahman Ghobadi’s Turtles Can Fly and Marginal Politics
FARHANG ERFANI Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the American University, USA, and a research associate at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in South Africa.