Born in eastern Cuba in 1926, FIDEL CASTRO began his political activity while attending the University of Havana in the mid-1940s. After Fulgencio Batista’s coup d’état of 10 March 1952, Castro organised a revolutionary movement to initiate armed struggle against the US-backed dictatorship. In 1953, he led an unsuccessful attack on the Moncada army garrison in Santiago de Cuba. Castro and other survivors were imprisoned. He was released in 1955 together with his comrades as a result of an amnesty campaign. Following his release, the 26 July Movement was formed. On 2 December 1956, along with eighty-one other fighters, he landed in south-eastern Cuba aboard the yacht “Granma”. On 1 January 1959, Batista was forced to flee Cuba. In February 1959 Castro became prime minister, a position he held until December 1976. He was president of the Council of State and Council of Ministers from 1976 to 2008, commander in chief of Cuba’s armed forces from 1959 to 2008, and first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba from its founding in 1965 to 2011.
9 电子书 Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro: The Declarations of Havana
In response to the American administration’s attempt to isolate Cuba, Fidel Castro delivered a series of speeches designed to radicalize Latin American society. As Latin America experiences more revo …
Fidel Castro: Die Geschichte wird mich freisprechen
Unter dem Titel »La historia me absolverá«, in Anlehnung an den letzten Satz seines Plädoyers, wurde die ausführliche Verteidigungsrede bekannt, die Fidel Castro am 16. Oktober 1953 hielt, bei der …
Fidel Castro: Obama e l’impero
Il presidente Barack Obama ha conquistato il secondo mandato. Si impegnerà per la pace? Fidel Castro, uno dei principali protagonisti del nemico tradizionale della guerra fredda e di Washington, gett …
Fidel Castro: Il libretto rosso di Cuba
Il 26 luglio del 1953, un pugno di rivoluzionari guidati da Fidel Castro decide di dare "l'assalto al cielo" e, tentando il tutto per tutto, attacca due importanti avamposti militari cu …
Fidel Castro: Fidel Castro válogatott beszédei
A demagógia korántsem újkori politikai eszköz. Kezdetben a görög demokráciáknak azon sajátosságaként jelent meg, mely különösen Athénben a közjót veszélyeztette és ásta alá. A demagógia zászlaját azo …