Dr. Ana Crespo Solana is a Professor and Researcher for the Spanish National Research Coucil, Instituto de Historia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
Dr. Filipe Castro is a researcher at História, Territórios e Comunidades, Center for Functional Ecology, Lisboa, Portugal.
Prof. Nigel Nayling holds the Chair in Archaeology at the Institute of Education and Humanities at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
2 电子书 Filipe Castro
Ana Crespo Solana & Filipe Castro: Heritage and the Sea
This two-volume set highlights the importance of Iberian shipbuilding in the centuries of the so-called first globalization (15th to 18th), in confluence with an unprecedented extension of ocean navi …
Ana Crespo Solana & Filipe Castro: Heritage and the Sea
This two-volume set highlights the importance of Iberian shipbuilding in the centuries of the so-called first globalization (15th to 18th), in confluence with an unprecedented extension of ocean navi …