作者: Florian Summa

Anne Femmer was Professor of Integral Architecture at the TU Graz Institute of Design and Building Typology from 2020 to 2022. She studied architecture at ETH Zurich and worked for a number of architecture offices in Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland after graduating. From 2015 to 2018, she was an assistant to professors Christian Kerez and Jan de Vylder at ETH Zurich. She founded her own firm in 2015, and became a visiting lecturer at TU Munich in 2020. Alex Lehnerer is an architect and university lecturer. He studied architecture at both TU Berlin and UCLA, and completed his Ph D at ETH Zürich. Since 2020, he has led the Institute of Spatial Design TU Graz. Prior to obtaining a professorship there, he was an assistant professor at ETH Zürich and at the University of Illinois Chicago School of Architecture. In 2014, he acted as General Commissioner of the German pavilion at the International Architecture Exhibition in Venice. He founded his own architecture firm, with offices in Zurich and Erlangen, in 2012. Florian Summa studied architecture at RWTH Aachen and was Professor of Integral Architecture at the TU Graz Institute of Design and Building Typology from 2020 to 2022. From 2011 to 2015, he worked for Caruso St John Architects in London and Zurich. In 2015, he founded his architecture firm SUMMACUMFEMMER in Leipzig with Anne Femmer. He was an assistant to Professor Adam Caruso at ETH Zurich from 2015 to 2018, and was a visiting lecturer at TU Munich in 2020.

1 电子书 Florian Summa

Architekturfakultät der Technischen Universität Graz & Anne Femmer: Professionalism
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Wer baut, sieht sich mit einem Dickicht von Positionen konfrontiert, die vor allem eins sind: Stimmen von Profis. Die …