Robert King, Professor of Psychology and Counselling, Queensland
University of Technology, Australia.
Chris Lloyd, Principal Research Fellow for the Gold Coast Health
Service District, Senior Research Fellow for the Behavioural Basis
of Health, Griffith University, Australia.
Tom Meehan, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry,
University of Queensland, Director of Service Evaluation and
Research at the Park, Centre for Mental Health.
Frank Deane, Professor of Psychology, Director of the Clinical
Psychology programs, Director of the Illawarra Institute for Mental
Health, University of Wollongong, Australia
David Kavanagh, Research Professor at the Institute of Health
& Biomedical Innovation and School of Psychology and
Counselling, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
3 电子书 Frank Deane
David Kavanagh & Robert King: Manual of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Psychosocial Rehabilitation is a comprehensive ready- reference for mental health practitioners and students, providing practical advice on the full range of interventions for psychosocial rehabilita …
David Kavanagh & Robert King: Manual of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Psychosocial Rehabilitation is a comprehensive ready- reference for mental health practitioners and students, providing practical advice on the full range of interventions for psychosocial rehabilita …
Chris Lloyd & Robert King: Clinical Management in Mental Health Services
Clinical Management in Mental Health Services is a practical guide to the day to day operational management of mental health teams. It explores both the theoretical aspects of management plus strateg …