This proceedings volume convenes selected, revised papers presented at the 52nd Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (SEICCGTC 2021), virtually held at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, USA, on March 8-12, 2021. As has been a tradition since its inception in 1970, this edition once more brought together mathematicians, practitioners, and scientists around novel findings in combinatorics, graph theory and computing, and their interactions.
The lectures and works presented at the Conference have proven to be of great interest to other scientists and analysts employing these mathematical sciences in their professional activities in business, industry, and government. Such an environment promotes a better understanding of the roles of modern applied mathematics, combinatorics, and computer science. Many works have demonstrated that disciplines have increasingly contributed to each other. With this series of Conferences, the gaps between the fields tend to decrease even further.
This volume is of particular interest for the community of pure and applied mathematicians in academia, industry, and government, working in combinatorics and graph theory, as well as related areas of computer science and the interactions among these fields. Its findings can also benefit a general audience of practitioners and students from related fields.
1.The es-Splitting Operation for Matroids Representable over Prime Felds GF(p) (P. Malavadkar, S. Gunjal, U. Jagadale, M.M. Shikare, and B.N. Waphare).- 2.The Existence Problem for Strong Complete Mappings of Finite Groups(A.B. Evans).- 3.Differences of Functions with the Same Value Multiset(D. Cruz, A. Ramos, and I. Rubio).- 4.Mixed-Level Covering, Locating, and Detecting Arrays via Cyclotomy(Y. Akhtar, C.J. Colbourrn, and V.R. Syrotiuk).- 5.Resolutions for an Infinite Family of Bose Triple Systems(D. Lusi and C.J. Colbourn).- 6.Decomposition of the Johnson Graphs into Graph-Pairs of Order 4(A. Abueida and M. Daven).- 7.Some New Strongly Regular Graphs from Quadrics(L. Lane-Harvard and T. Panttila).- 8.Nonexistence of a Subfamily of a Family of Edge-Regular Graphs(R. Mc Neilis, T. Parker, and K. Roblee).- 9.On a Convex Geometric Connection to Threshold Logic(M.R. Emamy-K, G.A.M. Rios).- 10.Multicore Graphs: Characterization and Properties (L. Markenzon and N. Paciornik).- 11.Cospanning Characterizations of Violator and Co-Violator Spaces(Y. Kempner and V.E. Levit).- 12.(2, 3)-Cordial Trees and Paths(M. Santana, J. Mousley, D. Brown, and L.B. Beasley).- 13.(2, 3)-Cordial Oriented Hypercubes(J. Mousley, L.B. Beasley, M. Santana, and D. Brown).- 14.Structural Properties of m-ary n-dimensional Hypercubes(S. Anantapantula, E. Cheng, and L. Liptak).- 15.Graph Constructions Derived from Interconnection Networks(R. Draper).- 16.On the Target Pebbling Conjecture(G. Hurlbert and E. Seddiq).- 17.C_4-Face-Magic Labelings on Even Order Projective Grid Graphs(S.J. Curran and S.C. Locke).- 18.On the Locating Rainbow Connection Number of the Comb Product with complete Graphs or Trees(M.Imrona, A.N.M. Salmar, S. Uttunggadewa, and P.E. Patry).- 19.Cycle-Compelling Colorings of Graphs(A. Bachstein, W. Goddard, and J. Xue).- 20.Harmonious Colorings of Graphs(A. Byers, A.Adams, E.B. Calderon, O.Bindas, M. Cope, A. Summers, and R. Thapa).- 21. A Note on the Immersion Number of Generalized Mycielski Graphs(K.L. Collins, M.E. Heenehan, and J. Mc Donald).- 22. Recent Developments of Star-Critical Ramsey Numbers(J. Hook).- 23. The Zero Forcing Span of a Graph(B. Jacob).- 24. DNA Self-Assembly: Complete Tripartite Graphs and Cocktail Party Graphs(L. Almodovar, J.H. Lee, M. Neal, H. Todt, and J. Williams).- 25. Inverse of Hermitian Adjacency Matrix of Mixed Bipartite Graphs(O. Alomari and M. Abudayeh).- 26. Properties of Sierpinski Triangle Graphs(A. Bickle).- 27. Counting Vertices in Iterated Line Graphs(Z. King, L. Lane-Harvard, and T. Milligan).- 28. On 2-Factorizations of the Complete 3-Uniform Hypergraph of Order 12 Minus a 1-Factor(P. Adams, S.I. El-Zanati, P. Florido, and W. Turner).- 29. On Decompositions of Complete 3-Uniform Hypergraphs into a Linear Forest with 4 Edges(R.C. Bunge, E. Dawson, and M. Donovan).- 30. Exterior Corners on Bargraphs of Motzkin Words(T. Mansour and J.L. Ramirez).- 31. Some Connections between Restricted Dyck Paths, Polyominoes, and Non-Crossing Partitions(R. Florez, J.L. Ramirez, F.A. Velandia, and D. Vilamizar).- 32. Powers of Two as Sums of Two Balancing Numbers(J. Bartz, B. Dearden, J. Iiams, and J. Peterson).- 33. Sprague-Grundy Functions for Certain Infinite Acyclic Graphs(A. Meyerowitz).- 34. New Absolute Irreducibility Testing Criteria and Factorization of Multivariate Polynomials(C. Agrinsoni, H. Janwa, and M. Delgado).- 35. Resolution of a Conjecture on the Covering Radius of Linear Codes(J.C. Orosco and H. Janwa).- 36. Quantum Error-Correcting Codes over Small Fields from AG Codes(H. Janwa and F.L. Pinero-Gonzalez).- 37. A Go-Up Code Construction from Linear Codes Yielding Additive Codes from Quantum Stabilizer Codes(E.A. Arrieta and H. Janwa).- 38. Bent and Near-Bent Function Construction and 2-Error-Correcting Codes(J.W. Velazquez and H. Janwa).