作者: Frederick Schauer

FREDERICK SCHAUER: Frederick Schauer es uno de los teóricos del derecho anglosajones más reconocidos de la actualidad. De formación inicial en derecho, pero con evidentes intereses filosóficos ya desde el principio de su trabajo académico, Schauer ha ido transitando los más variados temas de la agenda iusfilosófica contemporánea con particular solvencia. En sus trabajos es especialmente notoria la presencia de preocupaciones básicas y permanentes del operador jurídico de profesión, del abogado o juez que día a día trabaja directamente con el derecho. En los Estados Unidos se mantiene como una prestigiosa autoridad en la temática de la que primero se ocupó: la libertad de expresión. A ello ha ido sumando, a lo largo de su carrera, una gran reputación -de alcance ahora extendido fuera de las fronteras de su país de origen- por su trabajo en temas como la teoría de la norma jurídica o la teoría del razonamiento jurídico. Es autor de trabajos como Free Speech: A Philosophical Enquiry (Cambridge University Press, 1982), Playing by the Rules. A Philosophical Examination of Rule-Based Decision-Making in Law and in Life (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1991) y Thinking Like a Lawyer. A New Introduction to Legal Reasoning (Harvard University Press, 2009).

11 电子书 Frederick Schauer

Tamar Meisels: Territorial Rights
Liberal defences of nationalism have become prevalent since the mid-1980’s. Curiously, they have largely neglected the fact that nationalism is primarily about land. Should liberals throw up their ha …
Nicoletta Bersier Ladavac & Christoph Bezemek: The Normative Force of the Factual
This book explores the interrelation of facts and norms. How does law originate in the first place? What lies at the roots of this phenomenon? How is it preserved? And how does it come to an end? …
Frederick Schauer: Playing by the Rules
This is a philosophical but non-technical analysis of the very idea of a rule. Although focused somewhat on the role of rules in the legal system, it is also relevant to the place of rules in …
Karl N. Llewellyn: Theory of Rules
Karl N. Llewellyn was one of the founders and major figures of legal realism, and his many keen insights have a central place in American law and legal understanding. Key to Llewellyn’s thinking was …
Frederick Schauer & Adrienne Stone: Oxford Handbook of Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is central to the liberal democratic tradition. It touches on every aspect of our social and political system and receives explicit and implicit protection in every modern …
Frederick Schauer & Adrienne Stone: Oxford Handbook of Freedom of Speech
Freedom of speech is central to the liberal democratic tradition. It touches on every aspect of our social and political system and receives explicit and implicit protection in every modern …
Nicoletta Bersier & Christoph Bezemek: Common Law – Civil Law
This book offers an in-depth analysis of the differences between common law and civil law systems from various theoretical perspectives. Written by a global network of experts, it explores the to …
Frederick Schauer & Daniel González Lagier: Derecho y Neurociencia
¿Cómo es que el Derecho y la neurociencia pueden relacionarse? Es la pregunta implícita que intenta responder este volumen en el que se encuentran los trabajos de destacados académicos en torno al …
Frederick Schauer: A força do direito
A força do direito, do cada vez mais prestigiado autor norte-americano Frederick Schauer, vem sendo considerada, há alguns anos, obra de referência sobre o papel que a coerção ocupa na aplicação do …
Schauer Frederick Schauer: Profiles, Probabilities, and Stereotypes
This book employs a careful, rigorous, yet lively approach to the timely question of whether we can justly generalize about members of a group on the basis of statistical tendencies of that group. …
Schauer Frederick Schauer: Thinking Like a Lawyer
This primer on legal reasoning is aimed at law students and upper-level undergraduates. But it is also an original exposition of basic legal concepts that scholars and lawyers will find stimulating. …