Juerg Schwitter, MD, is full professor in cardiology at the University Hospital Lausanne, CHUV, Switzerland, and the University of Lausanne, Uni L, Switzerland. He is director of the Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Center of the CHUV. Up to now, he devoted his 35 years of professional career to the development of CMR techniques and served as former Chairman of the Euro CMR of the European Society of Cardiology and supported European and US societies as member of numerous committees and Task Forces. He published over 200 research articles and over 25 book chapters on CMR.
3 电子书 G. Hindricks
Martin Borggrefe & Gunter Breithardt: Antiarrhythmic Drugs
The past 10 years have seen a remarkable change in the approach to cardiac arrhythmias, from a position of confidence and a feeling of well-being about pharmacological treatment to a situation in whi …
H. Gulker: Herzrhythmusstörungen bei Myokardischämie und Myokardnekrose
Der plötzliche Herztod ist die häufigste Einzeltodesursache in den europäischen und nordamerikanischen Industriestaaten. Die Gesamtzahl der Todesfälle wird auf 20 bis 30 pro Woche und 1 000000 Einwoh …
J. Schwitter & J. Bogaert: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Update
For the general cardiologist a compact and up-to-date indications list for CMR exams with illustrative examples is provided covering the entire field of cardiology with 16 chapters. For the CMR exper …