What is this book about?PHP is one of the most popular server-side scripting languagesavailable. It’s powerful and easy to learn. Combined with My SQL– a fast, cross-platform, and free open source database– it makes a very effective tool for developingdatabase-driven websites.This book is all about developing PHP/My SQL websites with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, the premier visual website design tool.It will show you how to use Dreamweaver MX to rapidly developdatabase-driven PHP web applications with the minimum of fuss.Throughout the book, we use a real-world example application, ahotel room booking system, to demonstrate just how quick and easyit is to build dynamic PHP sites with Dreamweaver MX.What does this book cover?Here are just a few of the things you’ll find covered in thisbook:* Overview of Dreamweaver MX, PHP, and My SQL* Designing a site* Using server behaviors to interact with the database* Hand-coding and debugging in Dreamweaver Who is this book for?This book is for the web professional looking to developdatabase-driven PHP web applications using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Some knowledge of HTML and web design is assumed, but you don’tneed to know any PHP or My SQL.
Introduction.Style Conventions.Support/Feedback.Web Support.Chapter 1: What Is PHP?What Is PHP and What Is It for?Introducing Dreamweaver MX.Dreamweaver MX and PHP.Installing and Configuring PHP.Summary.Chapter 2: What Is My SQL?What Is My SQL?Installing and Configuring My SQL.My SQL Basics.Additional Tools for My SQL.Summary.Chapter 3: Getting Started with Dreamweaver MX.The Essentials.Creating a Site Definition.Summary.Chapter 4: Planning the Web Site.Architecture of a Dynamic Web Site.The Brief.Determining Site Features.Planning the Database Structure.Determining Site Functionality and Features.Summary.Chapter 5: Beginning Site Development.Setting Up the Database.Using Templates To Standardize Layout.Summary.Chapter 6: Manipulating the Database.Database Operations within Dreamweaver MX.The Hotel Booking System.Building the Pages.Summary.Chapter 7: Advanced SQL Usage.Creating an Advanced Recordset.Modifying the Structure of Existing Tables.Optimization.Summary.Chapter 8: Creating a Search System.Search Engines.Designing the User Interface.Building the Query.Displaying the Results.Summary.Chapter 9: Hand Coding within Dreamweaver MX.PHP Code Syntax.Coding Options in Dreamweaver MX.Good Hand Coding Practices.Practical Example – Login System for Dreamweaver Hotel.Summary.Chapter 10: The Server Behavior Builder.What Is the Server Behavior Builder?When To Use the Server Behavior Builder.How To Build a Server Behavior.Summary.Chapter 11: Debugging Your Code.Programming Errors.Debugging Techniques.Summary.Index.
Gareth Downes-Powell has been working in the computerindustry for the last twelve years, primarily building andrepairing PCs, and writing custom databases. He branched out ontothe Internet five years ago, and started creating web sites andcustom web applications. This is now his main area of expertise, and he uses a variety of languages including ASP and PHP, with SQLServer or My SQL backend databases.A partner in Buzz inet, http://www.buzzinet.co.uk/, an Internetcompany specializing in Web Design and Hosting, he uses a widerange of Macromedia products, from Dreamweaver MX through to Macromedia Flash and Director for custom multimedia applications.Gareth maintains http://ultradev.buzzinet.co.uk/ as a way ofproviding support for the whole Macromedia Ultra Dev and MXCommunity. There, he regularly adds new tutorials and customwritten extensions to this rapidly expanding site.Gareth enjoys keeping up with the latest developments, and has beenproviding support to many users, to help them use Ultra Dev or Dreamweaver MX with ASP or PHP, o n a Linux or Windows server.Rarely offline, Gareth can always be found in the Macrom ediaforums (news: forums.macromedia.com), where he helps to answer manyusers questions on a daily basis.Tim Green is a full time IT Manager and an e Business/B2BAdvisor based in the North West of England. Beginning his workinglife as a COBOL and Assembly Language programmer, he moved into webapplication development in 1996, after dabbling in numerous othercareers, from acting to being a chef.A contributing developer to PHAk T, an implementation of PHP for Ultra Dev 4, he was contracted by PHAk T’s creators to work ontheir other PHP implementation, Imp AKT, and the Ne XTensio toolkit, and became the first developer to release additional extensions for Ultra Dev PHP, including a shopping cart management system called Intelli CART.Bruno Mairlot works as full time employee in Security and High Availability company based in Luxembourg. He specialises indeveloping implementation of network and internet protocols with PHP and My SQL.He began his working life as founder of a company for websitedevelopment and network services four years ago, then moved on towork with other companies, but always working mainly as a websitedeveloper and security consultant for the web.Along with Tim and Gareth, Bruno is also a contributor to the Dreamweaver and PHP community, and is part of the management teamof the community site Udzone.com. He is the author of the projectthat aims to give users a powerful My SQL Administration consoleinto Dreamweaver as an extension.