Don a fedora, sharpen a pencil, and unravel these criminally fun conundrums.
In the dark and gritty criminal underworld, puzzling questions need clearheaded answers. You must analyze each crime scene, identify suspects, question shady characters, and solve the cases in this diabolically delightful collection of brainteasers. Test your wits and prove your mettle against all kinds of puzzles, from cryptograms, hanjie, and logic riddles to number searches, spot-the-difference, and sudoku. If you’ve pored over your notes, done all the dirty work that you can, and exhausted every bit of your cunning and intellect, you’ll find the answers hidden safely in the puzzle key. But the stakes are high: In this hard-hitting companion to Countryman Press’s cozy Whodunit Puzzles, can you clean up the streets and bring the city’s criminals to justice before it’s too late?
Laura Jayne Ayres studied linguistics at the University of Cambridge and is a puzzle researcher and writer. She lives in the United Kingdom.