作者: Gayle MacDonald

Carolyn Tague, MA, CMT first studied with Gayle Mac Donald in 2005 when the original edition of Massage for the Hospital Patient and Medically Frail Client was published. Since then she has worked in four hospital systems on six different campuses. With 15 years teaching experience, taking on an opportunity to coauthor this book was a dream come true. For six years Tague taught in a hospital based integrative medicine education program and then went on to establish Tague Consulting where she provides continuing education courses including Oncology Massage Therapy, Massage for People Living with Neurological Challenges, Building Therapeutic Relationships, among other courses. Tague continues to work and teach in hospital settings including UCSF Medical Center and Laguna Honda Hospital as well as maintaining a small private practice. Tague is a frequent speaker at massage therapy and integrative medicine conferences and participates in hospital based massage therapy research at UCSF. As part of her professional association work, Tague serves on the Hospital Based Massage Therapy Task Force of the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health and on the Education Committee of the Society for Oncology Massage.

3 电子书 Gayle MacDonald

Gayle MacDonald: Social Context and Social Location in the Sociology of Law
The sociology of law in the 1990s encountered uncertain terrain. The reconsideration of questions of race, class, and gender have destabilized traditional discourses of the previous 30 years. Global …
Gayle MacDonald: Medicine Hands
The field of oncology massage is maturing into a discipline with a deeper and deeper body of knowledge. The 3rd edition of Medicine Hands reflects this maturation. Every chapter contains updated …
Gayle MacDonald & Carolyn Tague: Hands in Health Care
This is the second edition of a highly successful book – the only one available on this topic. The first edition was written by a well-known massage therapist and author, Gayle Mac Donald. For the se …