Socrates presents a compelling case for some life-changing
conclusions that follow from a close reading of Socrates’
* Offers a highly original study of Socrates and his thought,
accessible to contemporary readers
* Argues that through studying Socrates we can learn practical
wisdom to apply to our lives
* Lovingly crafted with humour, thought-experiments and literary
references (from the Iliad to Harry Potter), and with
close reading sof key Socratic arguments
* Aids readers with diagrams to make clear complex arguments
Translations Used.
The Ion:
1. Interpreting Socrates
The Apology:
2. Mission From God
3. Puzzling Notoriety
The Protagoras:
4. Bravery
5. Knowledge Rules
The Laches:
6. Bravery Again
7. Puzzling Pedagogy
The Lysis:
8. Love
The Euthydemus:
9. Luck
The Meno:
10. Desire
Book 1 of the Republic:
11. Benevolence
12. Happiness
13. Freedom
The Euthyphro:
14. Reverence
The Crito:
15. World Religion
The Phaedo:
16. Last Words
Epilogue: Socrates or Plato?
Index of Passages Cited.
General Index.
George Rudebusch is Professor of Philosophy at Northern Arizona University. He is the author of Socrates, Pleasure, and Value (1999).