作者: George Soroka

Dr. Tomasz Stępniewski is Associate Professor of Political Science and Eastern Studies at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. He studied politics and law at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University as well as at the Catholic University of Lublin and was a visiting fellow at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute and Carnegie Moscow Center. His publications include: The New Great Game in Central Asia (Catholic University of Lublin Press 2012); Geopolityka regionu Morza Czarnego w pozimnowojennym świecie (Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej 2011); and Ukraina w stosunkach międzynarodowych (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press 2007). Dr. George Soroka is Lecturer on Government and Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. He studied anthropology and religion at Drew University, Madison, NJ, as well as post-communist affairs and political science at Harvard, where he is affiliated with the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, and the Ukrainian Research Institute. His articles have been published in, among other outlets, Foreign Affairs, New Eastern Europe, and the Arctic Yearbook.

8 电子书 George Soroka

George Soroka & Tomasz Stepniewski: Ukraine after Maidan
When public protests first began in Ukraine at the end of 2013, the failed promise of the Orange Revolution was still fresh in the minds of many Ukrainians. However, unlike in the aftermath of …
Julie Fedor & Andrey Makarychev: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Featuring a special section on “Russian Foreign Policy Towards the ‘Near Abroad’” Issue 4, 2 deals with Russia’s post-Maidan foreign policy towards the so-called “near abroad, ” or the former …
Julie Fedor & Andrey Makarychev: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Russian Foreign Policy Towards the “Near Abroad” This special section deals with Russia’s post-Maidan foreign policy towards the so-called “near abroad, ” or the former Soviet states. This is …
Julie Fedor & Andrey Makarychev: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Russian Foreign Policy Towards the “Near Abroad” This special section deals with Russia’s post-Maidan foreign policy towards the so-called “near abroad, ” or the former Soviet states. This is …
Julie Fedor & Andrey Makarychev: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Special Sections: Russian Foreign Policy Towards the “Near Abroad”and Russia’s Annexiation of Crimea II This special section deals with Russia’s post-Maidan foreign policy towards the …
Anton Weiss-Wendt & Nanci Adler: The Future of the Soviet Past
In post-Soviet Russia, there is a persistent trend to repress, control, or even co-opt national history. By reshaping memory to suit a politically convenient narrative, Russia has fashioned a good fu …
Christopher Rhodes & George Soroka: Conflict, Politics, and the Christian East
This book brings a crucial perspective to the examination of religion and politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) by focusing on the roles that Christian communities play in this region. …
Christopher Rhodes & George Soroka: Conflict, Politics, and the Christian East
This book brings a crucial perspective to the examination of religion and politics in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) by focusing on the roles that Christian communities play in this region. …