作者: Giovanni Maciocco

Giovanni MACIOCCO obtained a degree in Engineering at the University of Pisa and in Architecture at the University of Florence. He is Full Professor of Town and Regional Planning, Director of the Department of Architecture and Planning and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Sassari. He is Director of the International Laboratory on “the Environmental Project”. His main field of research is urban and territorial space planning. Several of his architectural and urban space projects have been published in specialist books, international journals and publications. Among his recent works, the following deserve a mention: La pianificazione ambientale del paesaggio, (Franco Angeli, 1991); La città, la mente, il piano, (Franco Angeli, 1994); La città in ombra, (Franco Angeli, 1996); Les lieux de l’eau et de la terre, (Lybra Immagine, 1998); Wastelands (Dedalo, 2000); Territorio e progetto. Prospettive di ricerca orientate in senso ambientale, with P. Pittaluga (Franco Angeli, 2003); Il progetto ambientale nelle aree di bordo, with P. Pittaluga (Franco Angeli, 2006).

5 电子书 Giovanni Maciocco

Giovanni Maciocco & Silvano Tagliagambe: People and Space
This book explores new forms and modalities of relations between people and space that increasingly affect the life of the city. The investigation takes as its starting point the idea that in contemp …
Giovanni Maciocco: Fundamental Trends in City Development
The Reinvented City reflects on externity, the principal feature of a reinvented city. Three fundamental trends of the city are investigated, ‘discomposed’, ‘generic’ and ‘segregated’ phenomena with …
Giovanni Maciocco: Urban Landscape Perspectives
Urban Landscape Perspectives explores how landscape terminology can be usefully brought into the urban debate. Articles in this book include theoretical reflections on the landscape as an eminently p …
Giovanni Maciocco: The Territorial Future of the City
The volume brings together contributions by both leading scholars and young academics with a particular experience in the urban potential of the territory in situations not necessarily linked to the …
Giovanni Maciocco & Silvia Serreli: Enhancing the City.
Departing from a survey on the post-modern landscapes of tourism, this book explores the transformations the city has undergone and the way it has become a simulacrum offered to tourists, spectacular …