The misuse of drugs continues to cause suffering and worldwide economic turmoil. In response to these problems, many have devoted their lives to preventing the misuse of mind-altering substances. Addiction and the Making of Professional Careers focuses on the need for enhanced understanding of professional careers in the addiction field. The spectrum of professionals involved is wide and includes treatment personnel of every kind.
Some of the questions examined here include: Why do some people decide to dedicate their lives to responding to drug problems? How do and should we select, train, mentor, support, inspire, and nurture the young career aspirant? What makes for the most effective use of talent? Is every personal case different or can general conclusions be reached?
After a foreword by William Miller and an introduction by Griffith Edwards, the book includes interviews with Joseph Brady, Louis Harris, Conan Kornetsky, and Robert Du Pont, all of whom were pioneers in the behavioral pharmacological analysis of addiction. Commentary chapters are written by Kerstin Stenius, Ilana Crome, Peter Anderson, and Jonathan Chick.
Thomas F. Babor is associate editor-in-chief of Addiction and professor at the School of Medicine, University of Connecticut. His work has appeared in numerous scholarly journals, including Contemporary Drug Problems, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, and Substance Abuse.