The rapid prevalence of Web applications requires new technologies for the – sign, implementation and management of Web-based information systems, and for the management and analysis of information on the Web. The joint AP- Web/WAIM 2007 conference, combining the traditions of APWeb and WAIM conferences, wasaninternationalforumforresearchers, practitioners, developers and users to share and exchange cutting-edge ideas, results, experience, te- niques and tools in connection with a...
The rapid prevalence of Web applications requires new technologies for the – sign, implementation and management of Web-based information systems, and for the management and analysis of information on the Web. The joint AP- Web/WAIM 2007 conference, combining the traditions of APWeb and WAIM conferences, wasaninternationalforumforresearchers, practitioners, developers and users to share and exchange cutting-edge ideas, results, experience, te- niques and tools in connection with all aspects of Web data management. The conference drew together original research and industrial papers on the theory, design and implementation of Web-based information systems and on the m- agement and analysis of information on the Web. The conference was held in the beautiful mountain area of Huang Shan (Yellow Mountains) – the only dual World Heritage listed area in China for its astonishing natural beauty and richandwell-preservedculture. Theseproceedingscollectedthe technicalpapers selected for presentation at the conference, held at Huang Shan, June 16-18, 2007. In response to the call for papers, the Program Committee received 554 full-paper submissions from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. Each submitted paper underwent a rigorous review by three in- pendent referees, with detailed review reports. Finally, 47 full research papers and 36 short research papers were accepted, from Austria, Australia, Canada, China, Cyprus, Greece, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and USA, representing a competitive acceptance rate of 15%.