作者: H. A. Ironside


29 电子书 H. A. Ironside

H. A. Ironside & W. B. Riley: Heresies Exposed
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:13, 14). …
H. A. Ironside: Letters to a Roman Catholic Priest
What does the Bible say about…Roman Catholic Doctrines?Originally published in 1914, this booklet written by H. A. Ironside contains personal letters addressed to a parish priest of the Church of …
H. A. Ironside: Sailing with Paul
There are many lessons to be learned from a careful study of Luke’s account of Paul’s voyage to Rome. Taken literally, it shows us, in a wonderful way. The personal care of the Lord Jesus Christ for …
William C. Irvine & H. A. Ironside: Heresies Exposed
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel o …
H. A. Ironside: Miscellaneous Papers
This large collection of 27 separate works was originally published as two separate volumes. It is a broad and wide collection of some of H. A. Ironside’s shorter works, some being quite short, no bi …
H. A. Ironside: A Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement
The preparation of these papers, both in their original form as a series of articles in a periodical no longer published, Serving and Waiting, and in re-editing and adding more and later material for …
H. A. Ironside: Billy Sunday Funeral
When Mrs. William A. Sunday requested that the funeral of her honored husband should be held in the Moody Memorial Church, our Executive Committee were pleased to comply, for all felt it was most bec …
H. A. Ironside: Eternal Security of the Believer
This brief work consists of a message delivered in the D. L. Moody Memorial Church on a Lord’s Day morning and the substance of two Friday meetings when questions were submitted and then answered fro …
H. A. Ironside: The Four Hundred Silent Years
SOME time ago I endeavored, though with no claim to originality of treatment, to draw practical lessons for the separated people of God from the captivity and post-captivity books of the Old Testamen …
H. A. Ironside: Charge that to my Account
Someone has said that this Epistle to Philemon is the finest specimen of early private Christian correspondence extant. We should expect this, since it was given by divine inspiration. And yet it all …
H. A. Ironside: Except Ye Repent
Fully convinced in my own mind that the doctrine of repentance is the missing note in many otherwise orthodox and fundamentally sound circles today, I have penned this volume out of a full heart. I h …
H. A. Ironside: Fools—Wise and Otherwise
I am going to ask your attention to two passages of Scripture, as I begin this message. We may turn to a number more as we go along. In the book of Proverbs, chapter ten, the last part of verse twent …
H. A. Ironside: Full Assurance
In penning the following pages, I have had but one outstanding object before me—to make as plain as I possibly can just how any troubled soul may find settled peace with God. I am thinking particular …
H. A. Ironside: Illustrations of Bible Truths
I think it was Charles H. Spurgeon who said, “The sermon is the house; the illustrations are the windows that let in the light.” Whether this remark was original with him or not, it is very true and …
H. A. Ironside: Little Jackie
It has often been said, and rightly, I am sure, that the child is the ideal convert. “Jesus called a little child unto Him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except y …
H. A. Ironside: Random Reminiscences from Fifty Years of Ministry
It was at the earnest solicitation of my valued friend, Dr. E. Schuyler English, at that time Managing Editor of the Scripture periodical “Revelation, ” that I penned most of the papers that now form …
H. A. Ironside: Removing Mountains
We are all familiar with the passages in the New Testament that record our Lord’s remarkable statement in regard to the faith that moves mountains. When the disciples saw how soon the barren fig tree …
H. A. Ironside: John 3:16: The Greatest Text in the Bible
Why do so many people think this is the greatest text in the Bible? There are other wonderful texts that dwell on the love of God, that show how men are delivered from judgment, that tell us how we m …
H. A. Ironside: The Lamp of Prophecy
The Apostle Peter tells us in the first chapter of his Second Letter that we do well to take heed in our hearts to the sure word of prophecy, which shines as a light in a dark place, while we are wai …
H. A. Ironside: The Ministry of Women
The question as to the place and scope for the public ministry of women is one that occupies rather a prominent place in the minds of many at the present time. Undoubtedly there have come to the fron …
H. A. Ironside & G. K. Chesteron: The Mormon’s Mistake
The incident referred to in the following paper happened exactly as indicated, and the conversation is as nearly as possible given verbatim, though of course I have had to depend upon my memory, as I …
H. A. Ironside: The Mysteries of God
Knowing of nothing that aims to present in one volume, the various mysteries of the New Testament, it has been a happy service to pen these papers, hoping thereby to minister to the profit of some wh …
H. A. Ironside: The Only Two Religions and Other Gospel Papers
In this little volume the word religion is used in its popular, not its distinctively Biblical sense. In the Scriptures it is but seldom found, and where used it refers, undoubtedly, to out …
H. A Ironside: The Way of Peace
A longing desire for Peace in a war torn world is in the hearts of the vast majority of men and women of all nations. How to secure Peace is the perplexing problem that all the world is now facing. I …
H. A. Ironside: Things Seen and Heard in Bible Lands
A visit of three weeks to Bible Lands, while deeply interesting, and yielding much that has made a lasting impression on heart and mind, was all too short to make an attempt at another book on Palest …
H. A. Ironside: What is the Gospel?
It might seem almost a work of supererogation to answer a question like this. We hear the word, “Gospel” used so many times. People talk of this and of that as being “as true as the Gospel, ” and I o …
H. A. Ironside: What the Cross Means
“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish f …
H. A. Ironside: Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans
"The present volume consists of Notes of Lectures on the Roman Letter, substantially as given to the students of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Ill., the Evangelical Theological College …