Once upon a time in a land far, far away there lived a Princess Sarah, a Princess Hannah, a Princess Rebekah, a Queen Mommy, and a Big King Daddy. They all lived in the Land of Worthy where everyone was happy, until one day
Big King Daddy is a provider, protector, spiritual leader, and a man of God who leads his family and kingdom with strength and compassion. The enemy wages war against them, and his daughters are adventurous, but with Big King Daddys love for his God and his family they always prevail.
Donna has a bachelor of science with an emphasis in sports medicine and a master of science in physical therapy, both from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. She is the wife of a U.S. Army chaplain with three daughters: Sarah, Hannah, and Rebekah. The Adventures of Big King Daddy started as bedtime stories for her daughters that came out of Donna’s frustration with the media’s depiction of fathers as idiots or abusive. She wanted her children to see their father as God intended him to be seen. Sharing these stories with others is a joy and a privilege. Donna has been involved in her husband’s ministries in both the military and civilian realms for over twenty-four years. The Worthy family has had the opportunity to minister together in several states and around the world.