作者: Hans Nelen

Dina Siegel is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Criminology and Criminal Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She studied sociology and social anthropology at Tel Aviv University in Israel and obtained her Ph D in cultural anthropology at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has studied and published several articles on post-Soviet organized crime, terrorism, human trafficking, criminal activities in diamond sector, and on drug policies in the Netherlands. In 2003 she edited (together with Van de Bunt and Zaitch) Global Organized Crime. Trends and Developments (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004). She conducted ethnographic research on Russian-speaking criminals in the Netherlands, Russian biznes in the Netherlands (2005, Meulenhoff). Hans Nelen is a criminologist and has a law degree. Between 1986 and the beginning of 2001 he was employed as a senior researcher and research supervisor at the Research and Documentation Centre of the Ministry of Justice in the Netherlands (WODC), mainly investigating drug crime, fraud and corporate crim. Between 2001 and 2006 he was a senior lecturer and senior researcher at the Institute of Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Since January 1 2007 Nelen has been working as a Professor of Criminology at Maastricht University (UM). During the last decade Nelen published several books and articles on a variety of criminological subjects, i.e. corruption and fraud, dilemmas facing lawyers and notaries, the administrative approach to organized crime, the proceeds-of-crime approach, evaluation of legislation, and evaluation of law enforcement activities.

4 电子书 Hans Nelen

Dina Siegel & Hans Nelen: Organized Crime: Culture, Markets and Policies
Dina Siegel and Hans Nelen The term ‘global organized crime’ has been in use in criminology since the mid 1990s. Even more general and abstract than its daughter-terms (transnational or cross-border …
Hans Nelen & Dina Siegel: Contemporary Organized Crime
This edited volume explores recent research and developments in the study of organized crime. It covers six key areas: drug-related issues; human trafficking and prostitution; sports and crime; procu …
Hans Nelen & Dina Siegel: Contemporary Organized Crime
This edited volume explores recent research and developments in the study of organized crime. It covers six key areas: drug-related issues; human trafficking and prostitution; sports and crime; procu …
Hans Nelen & Dina Siegel: Organized Crime in the 21st Century
This edited volume brings together the most recent research about various aspects of organized crime and the responses that have developed worldwide as a result to contain serious criminal acts. This …