Dr.-Ing. Hao Luo demonstrates the developments of advanced plug-and-play (Pn P) process monitoring and control systems for industrial automation processes. With aid of the so-called Youla parameterization, a novel Pn P process monitoring and control architecture (Pn P-PMCA) with modularized components is proposed. To validate the developments, a case study on an industrial rolling mill benchmark is performed, and the real-time implementation on a laboratory brushless DC motor is presented.
Pn P Process Monitoring and Control Architecture.- Real-Time Configuration Techniques for Pn P Process Monitoring.- Real-Time Configuration Techniques for Pn P Performance Optimization.- Benchmark Study and Real-Time Implementation.
Hao Luo received the Ph.D. degree at the Institute for Automatic Control and Complex Systems (AKS) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, in 2016. His research interests include model-based and data-driven fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant systems and their industrial applications.