Hari Mohan Mathur is Visiting Professor, Council for Social Development, New Delhi. Earlier, as a member of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), he has held senior positions in the Government of India, as well as in the State of Rajasthan, including as Chief Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan. In addition, Dr Mathur has been Vice-Chancellor of the University of Rajasthan. He has also worked for the United Nations, World Bank and ADB as staff member and consultant on Development Management and Involuntary Resettlement issues. He has served as Development Administration Specialist at the UN Asian and Pacific Development Centre, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and was United Nations Adviser to the Government of Uganda in Kampala. In addition, Dr Mathur has been staff consultant to several other UN organizations, including World Bank, ADB, FAO, UNDP, UNDTCD, UNESCAP, and UNESCO.
7 电子书 Hari Mohan Mathur
Hari Mohan Mathur: Development Anthropology
In Development Anthropology: Putting Culture First, Hari Mohan Mathur highlights the role of cultureand anthropological work more broadlyin development outcomes. Anthropologists’ contributions in thi …
Hari Mohan Mathur: Assessing the Social Impact of Development Projects
This book shows how social impact assessment (SIA), which emerged barely five decades ago, as a way to anticipate and manage potentially negative social impacts of building dams, power stations, urba …
Hari Mathur: Displacement and Resettlement in India
In the past ten years or so, displacement by development projects has gone on almost untamed under the globalization pressures to meet the demand for land from local and increasingly foreign investor …
Hari Mathur: Displacement and Resettlement in India
In the past ten years or so, displacement by development projects has gone on almost untamed under the globalization pressures to meet the demand for land from local and increasingly foreign investor …
Hari Mohan Mathur: Resettling Displaced People
Developmental projects have long been displacing people in large numbers every year, but it is only in recent years that the fate of those adversely affected has become an issue of widespread concern …
Hari Mohan Mathur: Resettling Displaced People
Developmental projects have long been displacing people in large numbers every year, but it is only in recent years that the fate of those adversely affected has become an issue of widespread concern …
Hari Mohan Mathur: Good Practices in Resettlement
In this collection, well-known resettlement and development practitioners examine successful resettlement practices, based on examples from Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Democratic …