The late Prof. Hartmut Kreikebaum was Academic Director of the Institute for Business Ethics at the European Business School in Hessen. Prof. Dirk Ulrich Gilbert holds the Chair of Business Administration, specializing in business ethics, at the University of Hamburg. Prof. Michael Behnam is Professor of Strategic and International Management at Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts.
8 电子书 Hartmut Kreikebaum
Hartmut Kreikebaum & Dirk Ulrich Gilbert: Strategisches Management
Strategic issues need to be addressed to ensure companies’ successful long-term survival. This textbook provides a clear account of the specific problems and working areas involved in strategic manag …
Hartmut Kreikebaum & Marcus Kreikebaum: Finanzkrise: Kehrtwende zur Zukunft
Was ist notwendig, um künftige Krisen wie die Finanzkrise von 2008 zu vermeiden? Wie finden wir eine Balance zwischen dem einseitigen, am kurzfristigen Eigennutz orientierten finanzmathematischen Kal …