作者: Heidi Thomson

Heidi Thomson is Associate Professor of English Literature at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and President of the Romantic Studies Association of Australasia. She is the editor of novels by Maria Edgeworth and the author of numerous chapters and articles about Thomas Gray, William Collins, Edgeworth, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Keats. 

2 电子书 Heidi Thomson

Heidi Thomson: Coleridge and the Romantic Newspaper
This book examines how Coleridge staged his private woes in the public space of the newspaper. It looks at his publications in the Morning Post, which first published one of his most famous …
Maria Edgeworth & Heidi Thomson: Absentee
Lord and Lady Clonbrony are more concerned with fashionable London society than with their responsibilities to those who live and work on their Irish estates. Concerned by this negligence, their son …