Henry Shakespear Stephens Salt was an English writer and campaigner for social reform in the fields of prisons, schools, economic institutions, and the treatment of animals. He was a noted ethical vegetarian, anti-vivisectionist, socialist, and pacifist, and was well known as a literary critic, biographer, classical scholar and naturalist. It was Salt who first introduced Mohandas Gandhi to the influential works of Henry David Thoreau, and influenced Gandhi”s study of vegetarianism. Salt is considered, by some, to be the “father of animal rights, ” having been one of the first writers to argue explicitly in favour of animal rights, rather than just improvements to animal welfare, in his Animals” Rights: Considered in Relation to Social Progress.
22 电子书 Henry S. Salt
Henry S. Salt: The Call of the Wildflower
THE “call of the wild, ” where the love of flowers is concerned, has an attraction which is not the less powerful because it is difficult to explain. The charm of the garden may be strong …
Henry S. Salt: The call of the wildflower
THE “call of the wild, ” where the love of flowers is concerned, has an attraction which is not the less powerful because it is difficult to explain. The charm of the garden may be strong …
Henry S. Salt: The call of the wildflower
THE “call of the wild, ” where the love of flowers is concerned, has an attraction which is not the less powerful because it is difficult to explain. The charm of the garden may be strong, but it is …
Henry S. Salt: The call of the wildflower
The “call of the wild, ” where the love of flowers is concerned, has an attraction which is not the less powerful because it is difficult to explain. The charm of the garden may be strong, but it is …
Henry S. Salt: The Logic of Vegetarianism
It is the special purpose of this book to set forth in a clear and rational manner the logic of vegetarianism. To the ethical, the scientific, and the economic aspects of the system much attention ha …
Henry S. Salt: Seventy Years among Savages
Seventy Years among Savages is a classic by animal rights activist Henry S. Salt. A table of contents is included. …
Henry S. Salt: The Logic of Vegetarianism
«what vegetarianism is, and (a scarcely less essential point) what vegetarianism is not !» Henry Stephens Salt was a noted ethical vegetarian , socialist, humanitarian and pacifist. It w …
Henry S. Salt: Animals’ Rights
‘…it is ourselves, our own vital instincts, that we wrong, when we trample on the rights of the fellow-beings, human or animal, over whom we chance to hold jurisdiction.’ Henry Stephens Salt …
Christelle Pujol & Henry S. Salt: La logique du Végétarisme
« montrer ce qu’est le végétarisme, et (un point à peine moins essentiel) ce que n’est pas le végétarisme. » Henry Stephens Salt, végétarien convaincu, fut membre de la célèbre Vegetarian Society de …
Henry S. Salt: The Logic of Vegetarianism
It is the special purpose of this book to set forth in a clear and rational manner the logic of vegetarianism. To the ethical, the scientific, and the economic aspects of the system much attention ha …
Henry S. Salt: Killing for Sport
Killing for Sport was previously published in 1915 at a time when widespread attention was being drawn to questions concerning the land, it was especially fitting that the part played by the sportsma …
Henry David Thoreau: Poems of Nature
In ‘Poems of Nature, ‘ Henry David Thoreau masterfully intertwines transcendental philosophy with the lyrical beauty of the natural world. This collection captures Thoreau’s intricate observations of …
Henry S. Salt: The Call of the Wildflower
In ‘The Call of the Wildflower, ‘ Henry S. Salt elegantly weaves a tapestry of nature’s beauty and humanity’s connection to the wild. Set against the backdrop of the English countryside, the book ado …
Henry S. Salt: On Cambrian and Cumbrian Hills: Pilgrimages to Snowdon and Scafell
In ‘On Cambrian and Cumbrian Hills: Pilgrimages to Snowdon and Scafell, ‘ Henry S. Salt eloquently offers a lyrical exploration of the majestic landscapes of Wales and the Lake District. Written in t …
Henry S. Salt: Animals’ Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress
The immediate question that claims our attention is this-if men have rights, have animals their rights also? From the earliest times there have been thinkers who, directly or indirectly, answered thi …
Henry S. Salt: Animals’ Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress
The immediate question that claims our attention is thisif men have rights, have animals their rights also?From the earliest times there have been thinkers who, directly or indirectly, answered this …
Henry David Thoreau: Poems of Nature
In ‘Poems of Nature, ‘ Henry David Thoreau distills his profound observations of the natural world into a poignant collection that celebrates the beauty and complexity of nature. Through a blend of l …
Henry S. Salt: On Cambrian and Cumbrian Hills: Pilgrimages to Snowdon and Scafell
In ‘On Cambrian and Cumbrian Hills: Pilgrimages to Snowdon and Scafell, ‘ Henry S. Salt masterfully intertwines the themes of nature, spirituality, and personal reflection. Written in a vivid and poe …
Henry David Thoreau: Poems of Nature
Poems of Nature is a poetry collection by Henry David Thoreau. Contents: Nature, Inspiration, Sic Vita, Sympathy, Friendship, River Song and many more. …
Henry S. Salt: On Cambrian and Cumbrian Hills: Pilgrimages to Snowdon and Scafell
Books about British mountains are mostly of two kinds, the popular, written for the tourist, and the technical, written by the rock-climber. The author of this little study of the hills of Carnarvons …