- Reviews latest research on crop physiology and genetic diversity
- Detailed coverage of key advances in breeding and their application to produce more resilient drought, salt and cold-tolerant varieties of soybean
- Summarises good agricultural practices to optimise crop cultivation and make it more sustainable
Part 1 Plant physiology and breeding
1.Advances in understanding soybean physiology and growth: M. B. Zhang and X. T. Chu, Centre for Integrative Legume Research, University of Queensland, Australia; H. N. Su, University of Queensland, Australia, and National Navel Orange Engineering Research Center, Gannan Normal University, China; A. H. Hastwell, P. M. Gresshoff and B. J. Ferguson, Centre for Integrative Legume Research, University of Queensland, Australia;
2.Maintaining and utilizing the genetic diversity of soybeans: Randall Nelson, USDA-ARS and University of Illinois, USA;
3.Advances in conventional soybean breeding techniques: E. E. Large, E. Beche, D. Mutoni and A. Scaboo, University of Missouri, USA;
4.Mapping the soybean genome: Xiaobo Wang, Anhui Agricultural University, China; and Lijuan Qiu, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China ;
5.Advances in marker-assisted breeding of soybeans: T. Vuong, University of Missouri, USA; and D. Walker, USDA-ARS and University of Illinois, USA ;
6.Advances in genetic modification of soybeans: Wensheng Hou, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China;
7.Advances in the drought and heat resistance of soybean: Heng Ye, Babu Valliyodan, Li Song, J. Grover Shannon, Pengyin Chen and Henry T. Nguyen, University of Missouri, USA;
8.Towards improving the salt tolerance of soybean: Ailin Liu, Wai-Lun Cheung, Wai-Shing Yung, Carol Lee, Fuk-Ling Wong, Kit-Wah Siu and Hon-Ming Lam, Center for Soybean Research of the Partner State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology and School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China;
9.Advances in flood-tolerant varieties of soybean: C. Wu and W. Hummer, University of Arkansas, USA; P. Chen, G. Shannon, H. Ye and H. T. Nguyen, University of Missouri, USA; G. Kaur and J. Orlowski, Mississippi State University, USA; T. Carter, USDA-ARS, USA; and B. Buckley, Louisiana State University, USA;
Part 2 Cultivation techniques
10.Modelling the effects of temperature and photoperiod on soybean reproductive development: H. Yang, University of Nebraska, USA ;
11.Defining and implementing best management practices in soybean production: Daniel B. Reynolds, Mississippi State University, USA;
12.Sustainable soybean production research and practice: contrasting case studies from three soybean production areas: Roger W. Elmore, Rodrigo Werle and Charles Wortmann, University of Nebraska, USA; Phinehas Tukamuhabwa, Makerere University, Uganda; and Nathan Mueller, University of Nebraska, USA;
13.Supporting smallholders in soybean cultivation: the example of Zimbabwe: Byron Zamasiya and Kefasi Nyikahadzoi, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe;
Dr Nguyen is Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology at the University of Missouri, USA. He is former Director of the National Center for Soybean Biotechnology. Professor Nguyen is internationally recognized for his pioneering research into the molecular genetics of plant stress resistance as well a leading role in mapping the soybean genome. He is a Fellow of the Crop Science Society of America, the American Society of Agronomy and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Professor Nguyen has also served on the editorial boards of a number of journals, including Crop Science, Molecular Breeding, Frontier in Plant Science, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, BMC Genomics, and The Plant Genome.