• Motivation It is our dream to understand the principles of animals’ remarkable ability for adaptive motion and to transfer such abilities to a robot. Up to now, mechanisms for generation and control of stereotyped motions and adaptive motions in well-known simple environments have been formulated to some extentandsuccessfullyappliedtorobots.However, principlesofadaptationto variousenvironmentshavenotyetbeenclari?ed, andautonomousadaptation remains unsolved as a seriously di?cult problem in robotics. Apparently, the ability of animals and robots to adapt in a real world cannot be explained or realized by one single function in a control system and mechanism. That is, adaptation in motion is induced at every level from thecentralnervoussystemtothemusculoskeletalsystem.Thus, weorganized the International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines(AMAM)forscientistsandengineersconcernedwithadaptation onvariouslevelstobebroughttogethertodiscussprinciplesateachleveland to investigate principles governing total systems. • History AMAM started in Montreal (Canada) in August 2000. It was organized by H. Kimura (Japan), H. Witte (Germany), G. Taga (Japan), and K. Osuka (Japan), who had agreed that having a small symposium on motion control, with people from several ?elds coming together to discuss speci?c issues, was worthwhile. Those four organizing committee members determined the scope of AMAM as follows.
Motion Generation and Adaptation in Animals.- Overview of Adaptive Motion in Animals and Its Control Principles Applied to Machines.- Robust Behaviour of the Human Leg.- Control of Hexapod Walking in Biological Systems.- Purposive Locomotion of Insects in an Indefinite Environment.- Control Principles for Locomotion -Looking Toward Biology.- Higher Nervous Control of Quadrupedal vs Bipedal Locomotion in Non-human Primates; Common and Specific Properties.- Adaptive Mechanics.- Interactions between Motions of the Trunk and the Angle of Attack of the Forelimbs in Synchronous Gaits of the Pika (Ochotona rufescens).- On the Dynamics of Bounding and Extensions: Towards the Half-Bound and Gallop Gaits.- Machine Design and Control.- Jumping, Walking, Dancing, Reaching: Moving into the Future. Design Principles for Adaptive Motion.- Towards a “Well-Balanced” Design: How Should Control and Body Systems be Coupled?.- Experimental Study on Control of Redundant 3-D Snake Robot Based on a Kinematic Model.- Bipedal Locomotion Utilizing Natural Dynamics.- Simulation Study of Self-Excited Walking of a Biped Mechanism with Bent Knee.- Design and Construction of MIKE; a 2-D Autonomous Biped Based on Passive Dynamic Walking.- Learning Energy-Efficient Walking with Ballistic Walking.- Motion Generation and Control of Quasi Passsive Dynamic Walking Based on the Concept of Delayed Feedback Control.- Neuro-Mechanics & CPG and/or Reflexes.- Gait Transition from Swimming to Walking: Investigation of Salamander Locomotion Control Using Nonlinear Oscillators.- Nonlinear Dynamics of Human Locomotion: from Real-Time Adaptation to Development.- Towards Emulating Adaptive Locomotion of a Quadrupedal Primate by a Neuro-musculo-skeletal Model.- Dynamics-Based Motion Adaptation for a Quadruped Robot.- A Turning Strategy of a Multi-legged Locomotion Robot.- A Behaviour Network Concept for Controlling Walking Machines.- Adaptation at Higher Nervous Level.- Control of Bipedal Walking in the Japanese Monkey, M. fuscata: Reactive and Anticipatory Control Mechanisms.- Dynamic Movement Primitives -A Framework for Motor Control in Humans and Humanoid Robotics.- Coupling Environmental Information from Visual System to Changes in Locomotion Patterns: Implications for the Design of Adaptable Biped Robots.