作者: Hugues Mounier

Belem Saldivar has a B.S. degree in electronics and telecommunications engineering; she has also a M.Sc. degree in Automatic Control and a conjoint Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control and in Informatics and Applications. Her research is focused on the analysis, modeling and control of finite and infinite-dimensional dynamical systems. Islam Bousaada has the B.S., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics. His research is focused on qualitative theory of differential equations and its applications, normal forms, nonlinear analysis and formal calculus. Hugues Mounier has the B.S. degree in computer science, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in automatic control. His research interests include differentially flat systems, infinite dimensional systems (delay- and PDE-based), model free control, real time systems and their applications to the design of engineering systems. Silviu-Iulian Niculescu has the B.S., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Automatic Control. His research interests include delay systems, robust control, operator theory and numerical methods in optimization and their applications to the design of engineering systems.

2 电子书 Hugues Mounier

Alexandre Seuret & Hitay Özbay: Low-Complexity Controllers for Time-Delay Systems
This volume in the newly established series Advances in Delays and Dynamics (ADD@S) provides a collection of recent results on the design and analysis of Low Complexity Controllers for Time Delay Sys …
Martha Belem Saldivar Márquez & Islam Boussaada: Analysis and Control of Oilwell Drilling Vibrations
This book reports the results of exhaustive research work on modeling and control of vertical oil well drilling systems. It is focused on the analysis of the system-dynamic response and the eliminati …