This is an accessible guide aimed at student nurses, introducing
them, and guiding them through the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s
approved programmes of education for Registered Nurse status. Every
programme of study that prepares a student to become a proficient
registered nurse must be approved by the NMC and adhere to its
standards and guidelines.
The book is broken in to four sections based on the four
proficiencies stated by the NMC: Professional and Ethical Practice;
Care Delivery; Care Management and Personal and Professional
Development. It presents these proficiencies in an easy to
understand and implement way, making it easily accessible for both
students, and registered nurses who will find it a useful reference
for their work and development.
I: Professional and Ethical Practice.
1. Professional Practice.
2. Ethical and legal issues.
3. Diversity and culture.
II: Care Delivery.
4. Therapeutic relationships.
5. Health promotion.
6. Assessment of needs.
7. Partnerships.
8. Evidence based practice.
9. Socio cultural issues.
10. Evaluating care.
11. Clinical decision making.
III: Care Management.
12. Quality care.
13. Inter-professional working.
14. Competence, accountability and delegation.
15. Key skills.
IV: Personal and Professional Development.
16. Continuing professional development.
17. Teaching and learning in clinical practice.
Review Responses.
Glossary of terms.
Abbreviations Commonly Used in Health Care.
Ian Peate, RGN, Dip N(Lond), RNT, MA, LLM, associate Head of School (Professional Academic Development, Recruitment and Marketing), School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Hertfordshire, UK.