I was born in Edinburgh in November 1937, and from an early age became interested in the subject of the paranormal.
After my initial encounters with Hori, I studied Ancient Egypt at Oxford as an adult student. I also made a number of visits to Egypt in this modern day and age, following in the footsteps of this ancient priest. With grateful thanks to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford for their introduction to the University of Egypt, I was then granted access to sites not normally available to the general public. Some of my experiences at these sites are recounted toward the back of this book.
I have written three books on ghost stories and haunting back in the 1980s and have given talks on radio for the BBC and also in the United States on these subjects, including reincarnation and Hori. I have given a lecture on Hori at the Mind, Body and Spirit Show in London, and I have researched and traveled widely throughout the Classical World visiting these ancient sites with specific interests in the Egyptian, Greek and Roman Worlds.
Throughout the writing of Hori, I have been able, with the research, patience, and the help of friends, to retrace footsteps across the bridge of time to show that Hori was indeed a real priest who lived some 3, 500 years ago in Ancient Egypt, at Karnak, Thebes.
Yes, I truly believe in the possibility of reincarnation, and the one purpose that I hope this book will achieve is to dispel any fear of passing over, and to allow everyone to take an enlightened approach into Past Lives.
Today, I run a Roman Living History Society Group, The Antonine Guard, who perform public displays and reenactments at various Roman sights across the
4 电子书 Ian Richardson
Ian Richardson: Hori-On the Other Side of Midnight
For anyone who has ever wondered whether they have lived before, the story of Hori, an Ancient Egyptian priest who lived some 3, 500 years ago in Ancient Egypt, at Karnak, Thebes, is inspiring. The p …
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Andrew (Henley Business School, University of Reading UK) Kakabadse & Nada (Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK) Kakabadse: Bilderberg People
Bilderberg People explores the hidden mechanisms of influence at work in the private world, and personal interactions, of the transnational power elite. It is not concerned with conspiracy theories; …
Ian Richardson: The Knight the Witch Came Home
When Neve Gregory wakes up on a beach with no idea how she got there she cannot imagine the challenges that lie ahead. In an adventure that is out of this world and witch will see her battle to find …