Dam was convinced he was a collection of tiny organisms that were being programmed to live a chosen life. Whether that life had been chosen by him was a question he often asked his organisms.
Nothing happened, they did not respond.
Maybe they have a different language? he thought.
As it will be noticed, these stories are not in any order. Though the collection did come chronologically from the same well, spring, they are not intended to have any logical sequence. They simply record the rambling devotions of an idiot. And as such should relay extreme caution to the reader so he or she may never step in the same shoes as Mr. Dam Diligent!
On the other hand, Dams okay. He is not worried about much, and he is still alive! I think . . .
Ian T. Walker’s intensely imaginative parents fostered in him a profound sense of respect for the creative realms. He had his first exhibition of paintings at age thirteen and has written more than one hundred children’s stories and over twenty books.