作者: India) Rishiwal Vinay (MJP Rohilkhand University


2 电子书 India) Rishiwal Vinay (MJP Rohilkhand University

Mithilesh Kumar (Lovely Professional University, India) Dubey & Sanjeevikumar (Aalborg University, Denmark) Padmanaban: Introduction to AI Techniques for Renewable Energy System
Introduction to AI techniques for Renewable Energy System Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques play an essential role in modeling, analysis, and prediction of the performance and control of renewa …
Mithilesh Kumar (Lovely Professional University, India) Dubey & Sanjeevikumar (Aalborg University, Denmark) Padmanaban: Introduction to AI Techniques for Renewable Energy System
Introduction to AI techniques for Renewable Energy System Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques play an essential role in modeling, analysis, and prediction of the performance and control of renewa …