Rolando Costa Picazo es Profesor de Literatura Norteamericana en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, miembro de Número de la Academia Argentina de Letras y Correspondiente de la Real Academia Española. Ha editado y anotado la obra completa de Jorge Luis Borges (3 tomos) (Emecé, 2009-2011), y publicado recientemente el libro “Ezra Pound. Primeros poemas (1908-1920)” (Puv, 2014).
4 电子书 Isaac Rosenberg
Isaac Rosenberg: Blind God & Other Poems
Isaac Rosenberg was born on November 25th 1890 in Bristol. As a child his family moved to the squalid streets of London’s Jewish Ghetto, and took any number of menial jobs to survive. Isaac only atte …
Isaac Rosenberg: Moses
Isaac Rosenberg was born on 25th November 1890 in Bristol. As a child his family moved to the squalid streets of London’s Jewish Ghetto, and took any number of menial jobs to survive.Isaac only atten …
Rolando Costa Picazo & Edmund Blunden: Tierra de nadie
Costa Picazo recopila, traduce y anota las poesías de guerra de cinco poetas ingleses (Edmund Blunden, Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg y Siegfried Sassoon) y un grupo de mujeres poetas ( …
Isaac Rosenberg: Poems by Isaac Rosenberg
In ‘Poems by Isaac Rosenberg, ‘ the reader is invited into a profound exploration of the human condition, war, and the nature of existence, all articulated through Rosenberg’s strikingly modernist st …