Isabelle Chouinard is a Ph D candidate in philosophy at the Université de Montréal and the Centre Léon Robin (Sorbonne Université) under the joint supervision of Louis-André Dorion and Jean-Baptiste Gourinat. Her dissertation examines the Stoic reception of ancient Cynicism. Her main areas of research include Socratic and Hellenistic schools of philosophy, especially Cynicism, Cyrenaic hedonism and Stoicism. She teaches ancient Greek at the Université de Montréal.
Zoe Mc Conaughey is agrégée in philosophy; Ph D student at the Université de Lille (France) and the Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada), she will defend in 2021 her dissertation entitled “Aristotle. Science and the dialectician”s activity.” Her research deals with history and philosophy of logic, thus encompassing both historical issues, especially Aristotelian logic and epistemology, and logical issues, in particular dialogical logic. She is co-author of Immanent Reasoning or Equalityin Action (Springer, 2018), with Shahid Rahman, Ansten Klev and Nicolas Clerbout.
Aline Medeiros Ramos is an instructor (chargée de cours) in philosophy at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, in Canada. She is also a Ph D candidate in philosophy at the Université du Québec à Montréal, currently writing her dissertation under the supervision of Claude Panaccio on the intellectual virtues according to John Buridan. In addition to specializing in medieval philosophy focusing on the late Middle Ages, she is also generally interested in ethics and, in particular, virtue theory.
Roxane Noël is a Gates scholar currently writing her Ph D thesis at the University of Cambridge under the supervision of John Marenbon. She specializes in medieval philosophy, with a special focus on the twelfth century. Her M.A. thesis, titled “Understanding universals in Abelard’s Tractatus de intellectibus: The notion of ‘nature’”, was written under the supervision of Jack Zupko, at the University of Alberta, with support from SSHRC and FRQSC.
1 电子书 Isabelle Chouinard
Isabelle Chouinard & Zoe McConaughey: Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
This book promotes the research of present-day women working in ancient and medieval philosophy, with more than 60 women having contributed in some way to the volume in a fruitful collaboration. It c …