作者: Ivan Illich

Ivan Illich was born in Vienna to a Croatian father and Sephardic-Jewish mother, and had as native languages Italian, French and German. He later learnt Serbo-Croatian, the language of his grand-fathers, then Ancient Greek and Latin, as well as Spanish, Portuguese and Hindi. Thereafter, he studied histology and crystallography at the University of Florence (Italy), theology and philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University in the Vatican (1942-1946) and medieval history in Salzburg. He is the author of Tools for Conviviality, The Right to Useful Unemployment, Energy and Equity, Limits to Medicine, Shadow Work, Gender, H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness, ABC: The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind, Deschooling Society and In the Mirror of the Past: Lectures and Addresses 1978-1990. Illich lived much of his life in Mexico and the United States, he died in 2002.

23 电子书 Ivan Illich

Ivan Illich: Celebration of Awareness
As a formidable critic of some of society's most cherished institutions, such as compulsory education and organised religion, Ivan Illich has attracted world attention. His commitment to a radic …
Ivan Illich: Deschooling Society
Schools have failed our individual needs, supporting false and misleading notions of 'progress' and development fostered by the belief that ever-increasing production, consumption and profi …
Ivan Illich: Disabling Professions
In this fascinating and controversial collection of essays Ivan Illich, Irving K Zola, John Mc Knight, Jonathan Caplan and Harley Shaiken challenge the power and mystery of professions. Why do we put …
Ivan Illich: Gender
The break with the past, which has been described by others as the transition to a capitalist mode of production, I describe here as the transition from the aegis of gender to the regime of sex.&apos …
Ivan Illich: Energy and Equity
A junkie without access to his stash is in a state of crisis. The ‘energy crisis' that exists intermittently when the flow of fuel from unstable countries is cut off or threatened, is a crisis i …
Ivan Illich: H20 and the Waters of Forgetfulness
Philosopher and social analyst Ivan Illich, one of the most influential thinkers of second half of this century, directs his attention to waterm the 'stuff' of purity and the creative force …
Ivan Illich: Limits to Medicine
The medical establishment has become a major threat to health'. So begins Ivan Illich's spirited and reasoned attack upon the mythic prestige of contemporary medicines, examining the custom …
Ivan Illich: The Right to Useful Unemployment
In this political essay, Ivan Illich calls for the right to useful unemployment: a positive, constructive, and even optimistic concept dealing with that activity by which people are useful to themsel …
Ivan Illich: Shadow Work
In five essays, followed by extensive notes and bibliographies, Ivan Illich embarks on a major historical and sociological analysis of modern man's economic existence. He traces and analyzes opt …
Ivan Illich: ABC: The Alphabetizaton of the Popular Mind
In ABC… philosopher and cultural analyst Ivan Illich and medieval scholar and literary critic Barry Sanders have produced an original, meticulous and provocative study of the advent, spread and pre …
Ivan Illich: Tools for Conviviality
A work of seminal importance, this book presents Ivan Illich's penetrating analysis of the industrial mode of production which characterises our contemporary world. The conviviality for which no …
Ivan Illich: In the Mirror of the Past
During the 1980s Ivan Illich added another dimension to his thought through the study of Medieval history. In the current volume he aims to demonstrate the extent to which the groundwork for the inst …
Ivan Illich: Beyond Economics and Ecology
Each of the four essays reprinted here was written for a specific occasion and together comprise only the smallest selection from a larger corpus questioning commodity and energy-intensive economies. …
Ivan Illich: Descolarizzare la società
Ivan Illich è stato un profeta? Descolarizzare la società è stato solo uno slogan o un’anticipazione del futuro? La scuola, così come la conosciamo finora, ha raggiunto o fallito il suo scopo? I curr …
Ivan Illich: La sociedad desescolarizada
Este libro es una crítica a la educación tal y como se lleva a cabo en las economías ‘modernas’. Lleno de observaciones críticas sobre los planes de estudios de su tiempo, el libro puede parecer desf …
Iván Illich: Obras reunidas, I
Las tesis de Iván Illich, que encierran una profunda crítica a la sociedad industrial – que se mantiene en pie gracias al embrutecimiento de sus miembros y al cinismo de sus dirigentes-, conservan en …
Iván Illich: Obras reunidas, II
El volumen recupera cuatro espléndidos títulos: El género vernáculo, El trabajo fantasma, H2O y las aguas del olvido y En el espejo del pasado. Es una obra heterogénea que aborda áreas del conocimien …
Iván Illich: La sociedad desescolarizada y otros textos sobre educación
La primera edición en inglés de La sociedad desescolarizada de Iván Illich fue comercializada por la editorial Harper & Row en 1971 bajo el título Deschooling Society. En poco tiempo aparecieron trad …
Ivan Illich: Per una storia dei bisogni
Ivan Illich fu un pensatore mai banale e spesso profetico. Le sue analisi sulla scuola, sulla sanità e sulla convivenza sono di un’attualità sconcertante. Non fa eccezione questo saggio sui bisogni d …
Iván Illich: La Iglesia sin poder
Filósofo, sacerdote católico y pensador radical de la cultura, a Iván Illich se lo conoce sobre todo por escritos polémicos como La sociedad desescolarizada, La convivencialidad o Némesis médica, en …
Ivan Illich: Convivialità
Un nuovo modello di svilupop è possibile Per l’indimenticato maestro Ivan Illich, nato a Vienna nel 1926, la società conviviale è quella in cui gli strumenti a disposizione della comunità sono vissut …
Ivan Illich: Nemesi medica
Salute e diritti Ivan Illich – sacerdote, storico, teologo, filosofo, polemista, iconoclasta, ci offre un’altra critica importante all’inesorabile industrializzazione della nostra società. Al centro …
Iván Illich: Alternativas
Los artículos reunidos por Iván Illich en Alternativas ponen en cuestión la naturaleza de certidumbres particulares, reflejadas en tradiciones, valores, grupos o instituciones. Todos están guiados po …