Bringing together an international line-up of contributors, this collection provides a transnational examination of recent developments within the academic profession in the light of changes to higher education systems, globalization and marketization.
Introduction; J.Enders & Weert PART I: MODERNISATION PROCESSES AND THE ACADEMIC PROFESSION The Academic Estate Revisited: Reflections on Academia’s Rapid Progress from the Capitoline Hill to the Tarpeian Rock; G.Neave New Public Management and the Academic Profession: The Rationalization of Academic Work Revisited; J.Enders, Boer & L.Leišyte Markets and New Modes of Knowledge Production; P.Scott Policy Change and the Challenge to Academic Identities; M.Henkel The Academic Professions in the Global Era; S.Marginson PART II: ACADEMIC PROFESSION AND THE ACADEMIC WORKPLACE Profession, Market and Organization: How is Academia Regulated?; C.Musselin The Organised Contradictions of Teaching and Research: Reshaping the Profession; Weert Doctoral Education: Pressures for Change and Modernization; B.Kehm Work Allocation and Rewards in Shaping Academic Work; J.Fairweather PART III: CHANGING EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION Employment Relations in Europe: a Comparative and Critical Review; D.Farnham Changing Employment Relationships in North America: Academic Work in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; M.J.Finkelstein, J.F.Galaz-Fontes & A.Scott Metcalfe PART IV: CONCLUSION Towards a T-Shaped Profession: Academic Work and Career in the Knowledge Society; J.Enders & Weert
HARRY DE BOER is Senior Researcher at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies at the University of Twente, the Netherlands JAMES FAIRWEATHER is Professor of Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education and Director of the Center for Higher and Adult Education, Michigan State University, USA DAVID FARNHAM is Professor of Employment Relations emeritus at the University of Portsmouth, visiting Professor at the University of Greenwich, and visiting Professor at the East London University, UK MARTIN FINKELSTEIN is Professor of Higher Education at Seton Hall University, South Orange, USA JESÜS FRANCISCO GALAZ-FONTES is Professor of Education at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México MARY HENKEL is Professor Associate, Brunel University, UK BARBARA M. KEHM is Professor of Higher Education and managing director of the International Centre for Higher Education Research at the University of Kassel, Germany LIUDVIKA LEI YTÉ is a Research Associate at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) at the University of Twente, The Netherlands SIMON MARGINSON is Professor of Higher Education at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and a government-funded Australian Professorial Fellow AMY SCOTT METCALFE is an Assistant Professor, Higher Education in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada CHRISTINE MUSSELIN is the Director ofthe Centre de Sociologie des Organisations, a research unit of Sciences Po and the CNRS, Paris, France GUY NEAVE is Professor of Comparative Higher Education Policy Studies at the University of Twente, CHEPS, the Netherlands and Director of Research at the International Association of Universities (IAU), Paris, France PETER SCOTT is Vice-Chancellor of Kingston University, Kingston-upon Thames, UK