James Bellanca is a life-long advocate for the principles and practices created by Reuven Feuerstein. As a Senior Fellow for the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, he created and edits the innovative P21Blogazine. He is the editor of a series of 21st Century Deeper Learning collections, has authored more than a dozen how-to books aimed to infuse critical and creative thinking across the curriculum and is President of the Illinois Consortium for 21st Century Schools.
2 电子书 James A. A. Bellanca
James A. Bellanca: 200+ Active Learning Strategies and Projects for Engaging Students’ Multiple Intelligences
‘I loved the book! Well-written, well-focused, well-thought out. The best part is the reproducibles, which are a wonderful follow-up for using the strategies in your classroom.’ —Pam Jackson, Alterna …
Eleanor Renee Rodriguez & James A. Bellanca: What Is It About Me You Can′t Teach?
Build every student’s ability and opportunity to achieve! We’ve all heard the stories of extraordinary teachers that reach struggling students and set them on a new path. Now in its third editi …