No wonder so many women are choosing to become physicians. The field of medicine offers abundant opportunities—to take care of individuals; improve public health; advance science; make a good living; and become a leader in the community, in an academic center, and in professional organizations. The demand for women physicians is growing dramatically, as more and more women health care consumers actively and specifically seek them. Chapters cover getting into medical school, overcoming gender stereotypes, finding a mentor, combining parenting with a career, and looking ahead into the career. While women are no longer newcomers to medicine, compared to men they still face extra challenges in the development and valuing of their skills and potential. This book will help women entering medicine to maximize their options and to have the fullest possible lives and careers. Women in Medicine draws on all the best available literature and on the experience of thousands of women physicians. It is a resource for anyone considering a medical career—whether they be in junior high school or in their 40s and contemplating a major life change— but especially women. This book will be useful throughout medical education and during early career development, as it includes tips on, for instance, interviewing for a job. Another helpful feature is that each chapter, except the last, concludes with a ‘Diagnose Yourself’ section, to assist readers in beginning necessary preparations and to offer support. An extensive reference list facilitates follow-ups on areas of special interest
1. Getting Into the Medical School and Residency You Want
First Things First: Becoming Competitive and Selecting a School
Differences Between Men and Women Medical Students
Deciding on a Specialty
Preparing for Medical School and Residency Interviews
Diagnose Yourself
2. Medicine and Parenting: For Whom the Clock Ticks
Common Questions Medical Students Ask About Combining Medicine and Parenting (and Some Answers!)
Parental Leave Policies
Child Care
Diagnose Yourself
3. Sexism: The Eye of the Beholder
Harassment: The Evidence
Putting a Stop to Harassment
‘Consensual’ Sexual Relationships
Overcoming Gender Stereotypes
Diagnose Yourself
4. Beyond Survival: Maximizing Your Professional Development Options
Cumulative Disadvantages
Conflict Management
Job Seeking, Interviewing, and Salary Negotiations
Diagnose Yourself
5. Mentors: Overcoming the Shortage
Why Women Still Miss Out
Finding and Using a Mentor: Avoiding the Nine Circles of Mentor Hell
Thinking Institutionally
Building Your Network
Diagnose Yourself
6. Big Hairy Questions (BHQs): Into the Future
When I Complete My Training, Will I Be Able to Find a Job?
What Does It Take to Be a Success in Medicine?
What About Becoming a Medical School Faculty Member?
Are Men and Women Physicians Becoming More Alike or Different?
Do Women Have More Unmet Health Care Needs Than Men?
Will Women′s Health Become a Separate Specialty?
Appendix A: Foremothers
Appendix B: Statistical Overview
Appendix C: Addressing Gender Inequities and Sexism
Appendix D: Learning Objectives in Women′s Health
Appendix E: Definition of Women′s Health
Appendix F: Organizations and Websites
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Author