One thing to remember if nothing from this book is you came from nothing and you will be returning to nothing so why do you need anything.
Like attracts like. If youre not on the same page as your divine spark you will feel distant, empty and lost. That emptiness is you reaching out to you to bring you home but you can only do it by showing yourself the obstacles of the things you dont want to have in your life.
Life is not about the amount of times you fall down but the amount of times you get up. Every encounter you have is a divine encounter with yourself giving you the gift (choice) to make a different experience take place.
You need to exhaust all your wants, needs and desire to truly know that all you need is love. You dont need to find your divine spark. Its within you, just remove the layers that are covering it up (that were put there by you).
Your EGO is a closed loop. Its job is to keep you entertained and the program of EGO Land is a surrender program.
When you want, crave and pray for things like happiness, abundance, and health you are praying to reveal the GOD
inside you.
Once you awaken the divine spark within you thats how you manifest all the things you are praying for, all the amazing things for yourself and for others.
I am writing this for you as you but I am me speaking to you to help you remember who you are. You are in EGO Land in order to experience the duality of what is to be separate from your self. The difference between you and me is I know I am writing this to myself to wake you up to yourself.
Jason describes himself as a someone that does Spiritual Stand up. He is a Spiritual Coach who provides free information thru his website, personal coaching via email or in person. He currently resides with his wife and 2 wonderful children at his home in Toronto, Canada. Jason graduated from University of Metaphysics in California with a B.A. in Metaphysics.