An American Odyssey
This is a story about the threats America faces from outside our borders and from within. It begins with the recon team’s military freefall infiltration into Syria and ends with in a fight for survival in our nation’s capital. We follow Harris Norton and his team through the complex and harrowing operation to thwart an evil plot to take down our country.
Feel the icy blast at 35, 000 feet as the team exits a CIA aircraft to infiltrate into Syria. Feel the heat of battle in the desert and in our Capitol. Get to know the patriots who support the task force throughout its’ odyssey. Experience self-serving politicians who sell out their country for political and ideological advantage.
Experience the phases of special operations from planning, rehearsal, infiltration, reconnaissance, execution, adjustment to reality, and finally to post-operations exploitation.
See how military, intelligence and special operations personnel form bonds and values that carry through long after retirement. Get a sense of how the women of clandestine and military intelligence contribute to mission success.
Feel the betrayal of traitors and the exhilaration of mission accomplishment.
Recognize the nature of the special people we can count on when the going gets tough.
Jeff Fuller
LTC USA SF (Ret) Jeff Fuller was born and raised in Montana. He left college to join the Army as an airborne infantry soldier. He was selected to go to Officer Candidate School. The Army then accepted his request to go through Special Forces selection. His first Special Forces assignment was the 10th Special Forces Group in Germany. After duty on a Military Free Fall and SADM (backpack nuc) detachment, he was on the way to Viet Nam. There he commanded a recon platoon and a rifle company. He was then assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group. He continued in a series of special forces, staff, and education assignments. After retiring from USSOCOM, he worked as a consultant to USSOCOM, the Joint Staff, DHS, and USCG. He retired with the Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, four Bronze Stars, three Purple Hearts, the Combat Infantry Badge, and Military Freefall Instructor Wings.
He has a BS from FSU, is a graduate of the Army Command and General Staff College and the Armed Forces Staff College. He presently serves on a Doctoral Dissertation Committee for Terrorism Studies at Capitol Technology University.
He is otherwise retired in Northern Virginia with his wife Carmen and two dogs. He has three children, and five grandchildren.
He is an active tactical shooter at local ranges and enjoys hunting and fishing. He is active in local and Virginia politics.