Psychosis has taken over. God’s brain is gone. There is no cure. There is only God. There is only us. The Psychosis of God is about exploring the divine through the mentally ill amongst us. The image of our creator is the only tool we have for liberating God. The prison of our normative expectations steals our capacity for divine connection. Wake up! The mentally ill God is here to set the captives free. Think right! Perfection is now found in defection. Look out! Crazy is the only way out of this world alive.
Jeff Hood is a mentally ill chicken farmer, activist, and theologian. A graduate of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Emory University, amongst other institutions, Hood earned his doctorate in Queer Theology at Brite Divinity School. Hood has consistently been arrested seeking liberation for the marginalized and oppressed. In addition to authoring twelve previous books and blogging regularly for the The Huffington Post, Hood writes daily at