作者: Jim Greer

Jim Greer left a career in Local Government auditing to become a volunteer on Community Service Volunteer’s Independent Living Scheme, an invaluable experience which gave him insight into the lived experience of service users and the reality of being a full time carer. Since qualifying Jim worked initially as a generic social worker, before specialising in adult mental health and subsequently being promoted to Team Manager. More recently Jim worked as a Project Manager, for a Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership, responsible a number of projects which applied new technologies in social care. Jim has also taught psychology, social care and social work for a number of years, sometimes in parallel with other roles. He is currently Principal Lecturer in Social Work Teesside University.  He is a member of the British Psychological Society and promotes the value of psychological and scientific approaches in social work education. He also utilises his experience in finance and service improvement in the teaching of organisational issues.  He combines his academic duties with other roles including social work course endorsement and being a standing member of a committee of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

2 电子书 Jim Greer

Jim Greer: Resilience and Personal Effectiveness for Social Workers
Social work in the 21st century is facing great change and upheaval in a period of Government austerity measures. From worsening pay rates to limited resources, these are increasingly challenging tim …
Jim Greer: Resilience and Personal Effectiveness for Social Workers
Social work in the 21st century is facing great change and upheaval in a period of Government austerity measures. From worsening pay rates to limited resources, these are increasingly challenging tim …