Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler, born in 1952, studied West and South Slavonic philology and Russian philology at the universities of Regensburg and Prague. He has worked as a full professor of Slavonic literary studies at the universities of Magdeburg (1994-1999), Marburg (1999-2006), and Giessen (since 2006). His main interests are Czech, Russian, and Polish literature of the 19th and 20th century, comparative Slavonic studies, literary theory, genre theory, poetics of the literary cycle, and Holocaust literature. In 2010, he initiated an international cooperation in the field of Holocaust literature and culture in which the universities of Giessen, Łódź, Poznań, and Prague are participating.
4 电子书 Jiri Holy
Reinhard Ibler: The Holocaust in the Central European Literatures and Cultures since 1989
Der Band versammelt 22 deutsch- und englischsprachige Beiträge zur Holocaustliteratur und -kultur der vergangenen 25 Jahre, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Polen, Tschechien und Deutschland liegt. Aus dies …
Reinhard Ibler: The Holocaust in the Central European Literatures and Cultures
This volume addresses a problem of high controversy: Relating the Holocaust to poetic and aesthetic phenomena has often been seen as a taboo, as only authentic testimonies, documents, or at least ‘un …
Sarka Sladovnikova: The Holocaust in Czechoslovak and Czech Feature Films
Šárka Sladovníková analyzes the depiction of the Holocaust in Czechoslovak and Czech Feature Films and the relevant literary pretexts. While she charts the social and cultural framework in which the …
Elisa-Maria Hiemer & Jiří Holý: Handbook of Polish, Czech, and Slovak Holocaust Fiction
The Handbook of Polish, Czech, and Slovak Holocaust Fiction aims to increase the visibility and show the versatility of works from East-Central European countries. It is the first encyclopedic work t …