Joann Keyton (Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1987) is Professor of Communication at North Carolina State University. Specializing in group and organizational communication, her current research interests are relationship issues and interdisciplinary collaboration in organizational teams, the communication processes that constitute work, organizational culture, and sexual harassment. Her research has been published in Business Communication Quarterly, Communication Theory, Group Dynamics, Human Factors, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies Management Communication Quarterly, Small Group Research, Southern Journal of Communication, Western Journal of Communication, and Communication Yearbook and numerous edited collections. She has published texts on group communication (Oxford) and research methods (Mc Graw-Hill), as well as an organizational communication case book (with Pam Shockley-Zalabak; Oxford). Professor Keyton has served on the editorial boards of Communication Monographs, Communication Studies, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Small Group Research, and Southern Communication Journal. She served as editor of the Journal of Applied Communication Research, volumes 31–33; and was the founding editor of Communication Currents, volumes 1-5. She currently serves as editor of Small Group Research.
1 电子书 Joann N. Keyton
Joann N. Keyton: Communication and Organizational Culture
A clear and concise introduction to the different approaches to studying organizational culture Joann Keyton introduces the basic elements—assumptions, values, and artifacts—of organizational culture …